Friday, January 1, 2010

Fresh Fish Online Help On Fresh Water Extraction Pump For Aquarium Fish?

Help on Fresh Water Extraction Pump for Aquarium Fish? - fresh fish online

I use a python siphon to draw water from my aquarium, but a lot of water is wasted. It seems less expensive than buying an electric pump to my water change weekly and a lot less waste. But I am about what to buy, confused. I looked online and I have no idea what to buy. It seems that I need a pump and pipes.

Basically, I have from 1 to 50 gal, 3 to 30 gal, 2 to 10 gallons, and 8 to 1 tank of freshwater-gal. I try an electric pump with a hose 50 feet of line that are easily go from one container to another, in a reasonable time while sucking the gravel for waste. I will use my python to water tanks. Thank you!


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